Sunday, December 29, 2013

Christmas Day

We go to both Love's family AND my family for holidays and Christmas is no exception. We start our morning off with exchange just with each other (and the kitties of course!) and then get ready and drive an hour out to his cousin's house in the country. We do a brunch there and then after, head to my Mom's house for a dinner with my family. It makes for a busy day and a lot of traveling but it's nice getting to see all our families.

Willow of course came along - and showed off his Santa coat he got for Christmas!

His cousin lives out in the middle of nowhere on an unpaved road. They even have a horse!

And here's the barn!

Here's their deck where we all hung out and ate.

Some of the pastries for brunch including a donut crockenbush! 

Next up, we went to my Mom's house. She has a wee little tree!

We ate out on her back patio as well. You can see the green grass of the backyard and the fact my sister has shorts on!

Later in the evening after the sun went down, we went inside my Mom's house and did gift exchange.

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